Manufacturer and Exporters of Navy Products


Mr. Adeel Ayub​

Being Managing Partner of company Mr.Adeel Ayub has overall responsibility for achieving E.Land Group goals and growth plans. In addition, the Adeel Ayub ultimate responsibility for employee and client satisfaction for the ultimate success of E.Land Group.
Mr.Adeel Ayub, have a keen eye view over strategic planning process to refine the E.Land Group mission, vision and values and assess it’s current state , Finalizing objectives of E.Land Group with consent of partners, including to establishing a financial plan, , acting as the primary partner interface, holding partners responsible for their specific goals, responsibilities and behavior , Working with the partner group to review and commit to the products and services that will serve as the firm’s core and specialty services , Evaluating and overseeing all business expansion opportunities, including merger and acquisition opportunities , Assisting direct reports with setting and meeting their goals on annual bases.​

Mr. Usman

Production Manager
Responsibilities at E.Land Group

As Production Manager for the E.Land Group. Mr. Usman Sabar makes initiative plans & processes which minimize manufacturing cost through effective utilization of manpower , equipments , available facilities , materials and capital and assure attainment of business objectives and productions schedules while insuring product standards that will fully meet and even expand our customers expectations. He is the chief-head of production department of E. Land Group.

Mr. Khalid Khan

Costume Designer & Pattern Master

The role of a Costume Designer is inevitable for the productions of Historic, Military & Civilian costumes & Dresses. Since, this is the art, which make one unit to all the people, due to craftsmanship & art work. Mr.Khalid khan have full mastery as being a costume Designer & pattern master. As he knows well how to follow a drawing or picture or product details ,for making a pattern or costume design , as with full aspects of production, attention to details always important for making a pattern or costume design, with full soul and spirit of customers demand & quality standard.

Miss. Sehris Nazir

Marketing Manager

Miss. Sehrish Nazir is a highly educated lady in business management, having MBA degree (Master in Business Administration). She has full sense & understanding for the pulse of international marketing, exploring the need of customers, understanding the international marketing dynamism, changing trends & tastes of markets, preferences of international customers, how to penetrate in new markets, care about customer relationship with E.Land Group, to plan and arrange new product manufacturing set up & launching strategy, how to motivate and job enrichment of marketing people, how to arrange reward, compensation , promotion and transfer of the staff.

Mr. Asad

Sales Manager

Mr.Asad is responsible to reviewing the firm’s sales pipeline, helping refine the sales process and assisting in closing engagements, as needed. He is also responsible for new order confirmation , payments confirmation, orders delivery timings , to inform production department about desired material for product manufacturing, as to meet the expectations of customers standard.

Miss. Raheela Naz

Accounts Manager

Mr.Raheela Naz being graduate in accountancy, very well furnished as how to manage the cost, schedule and technical performance of the company. She establishes and maintains account budges & schedules of all department of E.Land Group. She manages the customers’ expectations agreements, and business Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with Group.

Mr. Gazanfor Cheema​

Legal Advisor

Mr. Gazanfor Cheema (B.A , L.L.B ) is a practicing lawyer in Lahore High Court & Session Court Sialkot, having very much acquaintances & knowledge in Company Law ,represents as Legal advisor for Group . Mr. Gazanfor Cheema handles & deals with all the legal matters of company, including sales taxes return, income tax returns, annual export sheet report, & other legal matters under the legal Act (Pakistan) 1973.

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